
Monday, March 7, 2011

Camping weekend!


Well this weekend was fun. We went on the nature trial hike and tried a little fishing with no luck. I think it was just to cold. It was freezing and rainy on Saturday, thank goodness I packed well. The last picture was of some turtles. Its hard to see them but they are between the two trees. We had fun even though it was cold. We are hoping to go again in a couple of weeks, maybe it will be nicer weather.


  1. Looks fun, thanks for sharing!

    Hey, I have a giveaway here, please come join in the fun!

  2. Hi Amy well it looks as though you all enjoyed yourselves I have only ever been camping once and that was when I was at school it was soooooo cold I swore never again but we did have fun though lol
    Jacki xx
