My kids went to there grandmothers this weekend and brought back a bag full of large pine cones. "Mommy make something with this." So we all made the pine cone trees in school. I thought that was a little boring and I figured I could make something better with them. They are at school right now so they will be surprised when they get home and see there pine cone roses. I think they would make great table pieces this Thanksgiving.
So here is what you need: 1 Pine Cone and Hot Glue. I used a large pine cone.
~11-12 Large Petals for the bottom.
~7-9 Medium Petals for the middle.
~6-8 Small Petals for the top.
~3-5 Tiny/Skinny Petals for the center bud.
~Add Liquid Applique or Snow Marker to give it a snowy look. Add glitter, paint, or whatever else you desire. Have fun with it. Hope you enjoyed my tutorial and I would love to see what you come up with, So please share.